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Odds and Ends

Teacher - Odds and Ends

The following links are intended to provide educational resources for teachers. Please note: Farmington Public Schools is not responsible for the accuracy, views, or content of any links that leave the school site.

Differentiate with RAFT papers

RAFT Papers are simply a way to think about the four main things that all writers have to consider:

  • Role of the Writer
    Who are you as the writer? Are you Abraham Lincoln? A warrior? A homeless person? 
    An auto mechanic?
  • Audience
    To whom are you writing? Is your audience the American people? A friend? Your teacher? Readers of a newspaper?
  • Format
    What form will the writing take? Is it a letter? A classified ad? A speech? A poem?
  • Topic 
    What's the subject or the point of this piece? Is it to persuade a goddess to spare your life? To plead for a re-test? To call for stricter regulations on logging? 

Learning Style Surveys

We all learn in our own best learning style.  Whether you're a kinesthetic, oral, written, or visual learner, find out yours and your students! 

For an on-line survey of learning styles: Go to