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Principal's Page

Dear Longacre Families and Friends,

It is my great honor to welcome you to Longacre Elementary School. Our school has earned the special distinction of being a LEADER IN ME LIGHTHOUSE SCHOOL. We are among few schools in the State of Michigan and worldwide that have met the rigorous academic and depth of implementation criteria involved in receiving this honor! Lighthouse recognition is awarded to a school based on the results a school attains in students achievement and its impact on staff, students, parents, and the school community. Our school’s performance was evaluated against 144 criteria embedded in nine categories and a determination was made that we have met the necessary requirements to be given this distinction. We are deeply committed to continuing along this path of excellence that has long lasting positive outcomes for our students.

Rhonda Henry, Principal
Longacre is filled with many dynamic people who are dedicated to making our school an exemplary place for learning and leading. We currently have approximately 350 students that attend kindergarten through fourth grade at our school. Our staff continues to utilize a variety of resources to benefit our students. We work in professional learning communities and consistently engage in instructional conversations which are guided by the following questions:


  • What do we want our students to know and be able to do?
  • How will we know if they are learning?
  • What will we do if they have not learned the intended outcomes?
  • What will we do if they already know the intended outcomes?

In addition to our classroom staff, our specialists include a Resource Room Teacher, School Psychologist, Social Worker, Speech Therapist, Occupational Therapist, Art Teacher, Physical Education Teacher, Vocal Music Teacher, Media Aide, Bilingual Teacher, General and Special Education and Bilingual Paraprofessionals. Our cafeteria manager and dedicated noon supervisors provide a safe and organized lunchtime and recess experience for our students. Our wonderful secretary and office clerk are always available and accessible to serve all members of our school community. Our custodians take great pride in maintaining our school to the highest standards available to them.

Our school community is greatly enhanced by the many ongoing partnerships we have the privilege of having. Parents lead and regularly participate in a variety of volunteer endeavors and enrich our instructional opportunities through a strong Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) and LEADER IN ME Parent Lighthouse Team. In addition, we are fortunate to have many community and business partnerships that support our learning and leadership goals throughout the school year.

As principal, I am truly grateful to be part of an educational community that is completely dedicated to educating the whole child. I welcome you and your family into our Longacre “home” and look forward to partnering with you to provide the best educational experience for your child.

With gratitude and pride,
Rhonda Henry